Line Historical Society
Upcoming Events
" Coming Up "
Thursday, November 21, 2024 @ 7:00
State Line Ruritan Building
15841 Park Drive, State Line, PA  17263

" Abner Doubleday - The Civil War General
 Who Did Not Invent Baseball "

Presented by Bob O'Connor, an author of Civil War Books from Charlestown, West Virginia.

Doubleday ( 1819 - 1893 ) was a career U.S. Army officer and Union Major General during the Civil War. He fired the first shot in defence of Fort Sumpter and was in the early fighting at Gettysburg. In 1907, years after his death, Doubleday was credited with inventing the game of baseball. While living, he never made this claim. Later, this claim was debunked,
A Q & A period will follow the presentation. 

As always, the program and the goodies are free.

Come join us!